Not a New Years Resolution, A Lifetime Resolution

With New Year’s resolutions on full ramp-up its a challenge to keep up the momentum. Whether its for health reasons or vanity reasons, many people make the resolution to lose weight or get in shape. I personally make this a priority year round. Part of it is for vanity. I have been overweight before and have struggled with it since Ive been a teenager. Ive never been huge but I have gone up and down in weight. I decided years ago that I prefer being thin over being fat. With that as my vision I do what it takes to keep this resolution to myself. Not just at New Years, but always. Is it easy? Hell NOOOOO! I would love to eat junk food and lay around. But I choose health. I work out daily, eat very healthy, dont smoke or do drugs. Some people would say I have amazing willpower. Whatever you call it I just hate being fat. But most of all it is for health and not vanity reasons. I dont want to spend any time at doctors offices or hospitals that I don’t have to. This year my resolution has nothing to do with more diet or exercise regimes. It has to do with not judging the people I care about. It bothers me enormously when the people I love dont take care of themselves. I almost take it personally. I am surrounded by chain smokers, people who eat very unhealthily, people who abuse drugs and alcohol you name it. It is not my job to change people but I get very upset. There are so many things we do not have control over. But we can control what we put into our bodies. I have cried and lost sleep over the reality that these people don’t take care of themselves. What will I do without them one day? This year will be the most difficult resolution of all. To not judge these people and accept them for who they are. All I can do is control myself. However, if I could actually send a message to the world it would be to take care of yourself. We only get this one life (unless you believe in reincarnation, and that would be a different blog). Why would you want to destroy it? Happy New Year!!

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