
OK, I want to talk about this word. Literally. People use this word all too often yet are, for the most part, never literal. I’m tired of people using this word for mere dramatic effect. How many times can you create a sentence, NOT use this word, and have the real meaning? Most of the time! Did you literally fall out of your chair? No, most likely you did not. You were probably just a little surprised about something. Did your heart literally beat out of its chest? No, it did not. Or you would not be here to talk about it. It figuratively beat out of its chest. Did you literally spend hours in traffic? Maybe. But you can just say you spent hours in traffic. We don’t need your dramatic description. We all spend hours in traffic. Just because you tell me you literally spent hours in traffic does not change my assessment of your situation. Did you literally run into your ex? Because if you didnt tell me it was literal I would think you were joshing me? Stop it people!!!! If I could make one change in this world, it would be to not abuse this word. Literally.

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